Mushrooms with salami 


by Paul Majeran  

You might know this situation: you’re in the middle of stunning wilderness, the fishing conditions are seemingly perfect…. BUT….you’ve been fishing for hours without the slightest success.
To make matters worse, one of the worst enemies of the daring fly fisherman shows up on the scene: HUNGER!
What to do, since you have no fish to fry (or grill), the camp is miles of walking through rough wilderness away and it is too early to return anyhow, with hours of (hopefully) more successful fishing on this beautiful spot still in front of you?

Here it is, one of the best recipes the editors know, tried and tested by EFA’s elite staff in the rough (but charming) wilderness of Lapland. All you need, are just a few ingredients:
1) edible wild mushrooms (and make sure they ARE edible and you not just PRETEND to be a mushroom expert…otherwise consequences will be painful),
2) a good fire, preferably of birchwood,
3) a nice setting on the riverbank with a view.
Did I miss something? Oh yes,
4) a piece of salami, soft and not too dry with sufficient amount of fat! I always carry one in my backpack…

And here’s how it goes:
1) you clean the mushrooms well and cut them in slices,
2) cut the salami in half-slices,
3) add some salt (not too much, the salami is already salty) and pepper, if you like a piece or two of garlic as well.
4) Put everything onto a sheet of aluminium foil, and wrap it up into a tight pack!....and yes, I forgot to mention that you should always have some alu foil in your backpack and carry salt, pepper and garlic in old plastic film cases along with you (the film cases might be difficult to come by nowadays with all the bits, bytes and pixels!).
